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MBA Online Tutoring, how you do it:

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Teaching online is not complicated. However for those who still are confused with the concept of online tutorials or are wondering how to get started, there are online courses. We also can provide you with a one hour program that helps you to understand the basics of teaching online. However, that may not be sufficient if one is looking for every detail, which is doesn’t know. We mean the beginners, who are not at all acquainted with the internet teaching platform. While this page of this site may not include everything and be an end to all your confusions, it can nevertheless be inspiring for you to start with online tutoring. We also welcome those tutors who have adequate knowledge on online teaching to add more to what we provide here, in case they feel it isn’t complete. We have a box provided at the end of this page, for you to give your feedback and tell us if you want to add and contribute to our initiative of helping tutors understand about online teaching.

An introduction to a great concept:

With online tutorials both the students and the professors or teachers are benefited. The students get to know a lot on a subject which they used to find difficult and uninteresting. Along with that the teachers also can get better exposure and a platform for their teaching skills. They are no more limited to the students and rules of a particular institute but can get thousands of students, with each having different issue. This helps in sharpening their skills more and they also get paid in time. The students, with the help a website like Find tutor online, can reach out to the right tutors, who will help them to get a grip on any subject.

How is it done?

You definitely need some tools in order to communicate and discuss about subjects, with students or tutors who are far away from your place. They can be on the other side of the globe and in order to have a smooth flow of communication, you need online communicating tools like the Skype and others like WebEx, whiteboards, Idroo and more. We have explained some of these important modes of communication and other tools for sharing your thoughts in the form of presentations and others, to teach.

Skype for video calling: Skype is widely used by internet users around the world. It is one of the most popular forms of tools which help in online communication through chatting, video chatting and conferencing. With the help of Skype you can teach and share documents with your students easily. It is free to install and can be downloaded fast. The quality of its video for chatting is good and you will be able to video chat without any technical glitch. You can send files and share screens as well to help the student know more on a particular subject. The Skype also has a powerful app gallery which helps in making it work more efficiently. Skype enables you to have screenshots of the videos. And lastly, everyone knows Skype.

Some tools for sharing screens:

While there are various tools for this purpose, we are providing you with the ones which are popular and are definitely convenient.

Join Me: Join Me is one of the tools which has been widely accepted and used for screen sharing. This is especially meant for those who aren’t willing to have any software or application installed in their PCs or laptops. At times the tutors aren’t comfortable with the download of new tools. This is similar to the attitude of some students as well. Join Me is hence preferable in such situations. This tool is run from the browser itself and also looks bright with its combination of the orange and green color. In case, you are willing, you can also install it.

Teamviewer: The Teamviewer is a very powerful tool and helps to give control of the screen to the other person, apart from sharing it without any technical issue. This is another universally accepted tool by the internet users and there is always updated.

WebEx: WebEx is yet another tool which is also advanced than the ones named above. This one provides with a lot of options, something which isn’t so with its contemporaries. Apart from the tutors, people from different professions use it. One great thing about this is, it works on any device, right from your PC to your tablet.

Online whiteboards: what are they?

These make the process of online teaching or virtual tutorials more real and easier. It is just like you write something on a blackboard or whiteboard and your students can see it, similarly anything you write from your side on the whiteboard, appears to the student/s. You can continue with your chat on Skype and write something on the whiteboard and explain it to your student. This is seriously one of the greatest advantages and millions have started using it and are satisfied.

Idroo: Idroo is one of the whiteboards which is popular. Of course, there are other tools which work like it, but there are added features which is why Idroo is so popular. Idroo works perfectly with Skype and the Skype contacts can easily find and join you on this platform. It is not at all dependent on any browser and you get faster response from the person on the other side. You can also decide how much of the screen can be shared and also this is responsive in nature. This means that it will work for all device platforms.

Some other whiteboard tools you will come across:

There are different whiteboard tools and the ones which are popular among these are twiddla, scribbler, scriblink and others. Now it depends entirely on you, which one you will choose for your online teaching. It depends on the features which go well with your needs and also its compatibility with the browser and your system. However, we suggest you do research on the internet to know of the ones which are new in the market and may work in a better manner than the existing ones.

Use of digital pen is advantageous for your virtual classes:

By the term ‘digital pen’ we basically mean a mouse which works more like that of a pen. You may not always need this tool but it is helpful when you are doing something which is more about drawing figures or diagrams and also writing. The solving of problems in Mathematics and Physics for instance, will require this. You need to hold and move the tool like a real pen and the same will be shown on the screen. However, the ones teaching programming and coding won’t really need this.


Help for finance and accounts tutors: tools which they will need:

The accounts and finance teachers find it often difficult to get things done with online chatting or video calling. They definitely need to write and explain a problem or a data with steps. This needs them to write and explain it to their students. For such situations, the whiteboards are the best solution. The Google Drive is also a good solution for you.

How will you get students for teaching online?

There are no exact ways of getting a lot of students on the internet. There are sites and you can join them. Find tutor online  is too a platform for this and our tutors are happy with the results they got with our help. There are other websites apart from us and you can find them with a bit of Google search.

Receiving payments:

This is certainly not a thing to be worried. You can always provide your bank details with such websites like ours. There are various methods like western union, moneygram, etc. You can now teach online without any tension as you know you will get paid in time. PayPal is one of the most convenient sources of online payment. You can inform your students of your Id for PayPal and they will pay your fees through PayPal. 


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